The PM who taught Sycophancy

Telegraph newspaper reported that Manmohan Singh is likely to resign on 3rd January . Manmohan Singh quitting or not quitting does not make any difference. His presence was never felt in this country. Unfortunate for India,but then, it is for the people of India to decide their future PM and those days are gone when we as a nation expected someone from the royal lineage to rule us.\' Leaders like Anna Hazare ,Kejriwal has revolutionised the political scenario in India.As a result of this revolution, 2014 will answer series of "Scams" & "Scandals", especially the latest "Adarsh Scam" and its developments afterwards indicate that the countdown for exit of an old Political Party , founded and formed by Political Luminaries like Lokmanya Tilak, Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Lal Bahadur Shashtri etc. etc., 128 years back, has started . The party was constituted with a vision to serve the people of India but with all these corruption cases project their weak moral values and vested interest in serving the nation . Sycophancy is like Cancer and when it creeps into an Organization - it finishes it ! The 128 years old Organization with thousands of Active, Educated, Qualified and Experienced Members, spread all over INDIA, they do not find a "Suitable Person" for PM, other than one from Amethi , U.P. When congress is forced into withdrawing the ordinance all credit was bagged into Rahul’s court. An individual is projecting himself bigger than the party. What a joke they have made of this country!! 

In the third and perhaps the last press conference during his 10-year tenure, Prime Minister Manmohan singh told that "For me Mrs Gandhi s support has been an enormous help in dealing with complex issues”. Does Manmohan singh lack bureaucrats in his team? This is a kind of devotion, excessive and insincere praise which a PM is not supposed to do. According to him , Rahul Gandhi has all the credentials to be nominated as the next PM candidate. But, Why Rahul Gandhi ? Why no other political leader from Congress party is not capable of handling PM post? 

His speeches are now filled with frustration against his opponents. Throughout his speech and even during questions time he prevented himself from taking any blame for anything that took place during his 9 ½ years of service as Prime Minister of India. He missed no opportunity to attribute 2002 Gujarat carnage to Narendra Modi and to malign his image! If PM was an upright man, he should have equally spoken and also pointed out the person behind humanitarian disaster that was organized in 1984 Sikh riot (massacre). Which political compulsion stopped him from naming the person behind such gory massacre? Again he did not speak a word on ‘n’ number of scams during last 4 – 5 years! Why? He did not justify nor gave convincing reasons for increasing price rise on consumables (vegetables, fruits, food grains, domestic gas, etc.!) Why? For very sure, his name will down the history – just not to remember him anytime hence forth! 


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