Unique Certification Test for Your Computer and Typing Skills. Mandatory for various computer operations and typing skills related jobs in state government organizations.

Computer literacy can create many opportunities, especially with the global advancement towards digitization. Whether you are planning to take up a job or business, a working knowledge of computers is a smart move to increase your potential.

1. Test date information: The (Computer Proficiency Certification Test - CPCT) which was to be conducted on 23rd August 2015 is Re-scheduled on Saturday 26th September 2015. All those candidates who have successfully paid fee for the test on 23rd August 2015 will be eligible to participate in the test.

2. Contractual Engagement- Empanelment Opportunity as Observer: MAP_IT intends to engage Observers (on temporary and empanelment basis) for Computer Proficiency Certification Test (CPCT)

Eligibility: A serving /contractual/ retired officer of the State Government, Central Government, Universities, Banks, reputed - aided Collegiate level Institutions and Public Sector Undertakings.

Age limit: Minimum 35 years and maximum 70 years, as on 1 September 2015.
For more information please visit http://mapit.gov.in/career.aspx.  The Application form can be submitted online only.

What is CPCT?
Computer Proficiency Certification Test (CPCT) is an initiative of the Government of Madhya Pradesh (MP) to certify the computer proficiency of candidates. Scores from the test shall be referred in recruitments for various positions in State Government and agencies, where working knowledge of computers and typing skill is required. For details please refer the government orders issued (link).

Who can take the CPCT? 
Any Indian over 18 years of age and passed the Higher Secondary exam may appear for the CPCT.

Who Accepts CPCT Scores? 
Government of MP, by its order C 3 – 15/ 2014/1/3 dated 26 February 2015 has recognized Computer Proficiency & Certification Test (CPCT) for all the positions in various Government departments where working knowledge of computers and typing skill are basic requirements.

Rule Book in Hindi : CLICK HERE
Rule Book in English: CLICK HERE
Syllabus: CLICK HERE
Relevant Orders: CLICK HERE
Registration for Test: CLICK HERE
Document Required for Registration: CLICK HERE
Payment_Structure: CLICK HERE

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